

What a day...

You probably thought I forgot about you... thinking 'Oh great, she posted for 3 days and just up and left again'... well, internet, here I am to prove you wrong :)

Today, Sunday, is one of my favorite days of the week.  I don't like it because I go to church and am fed a 'feel-good' kind of message, no, no, no- I love this day because I go to church and PBC challenges my face off week after week.  My main prayer after leaving is that the truths I have been fed STICK! Oh Lord, please help them affect my heart and take root in my soul!

'What in the world is 'PBC', Raylene?'... Oh sorry, internet-- PBC is short for Pastor Bret Capranica, Scott started calling him PBC and it stuck.  He loves it, I'm sure!  This guy is legit... you have no idea, and praise the Lord for it!  Hope you have a chance to check out his sermons by clicking here.  (If this is your first visit to our site to hear PBC... I suggest starting with the Beatitudes study, titled 'Values for Ultimate Satisfaction:___!)

Then we went to my parent's house and made lunch and then did my homework took a nap before Growth Group at the Moyer's!  Let me tell you something about this group.... I love LOVE this group of believers.  We have every generation represented there... wisdom is shared, songs are sung, and wonderments are discussed.  It is beautiful.  Some of these people I have been going to church with since I was 5... there is just something beautiful about that. 

We don't just get together for the fellowship and eat amazing food, (while that is a perk of this group) we discuss the message from that morning.  I love this part!  There is something beautiful about hearing from people in every stage of life discuss the truths taught that morning. 

Tonight we sat outside and enjoyed God's beautiful clouds and perfectly cool breeze as we discuss His Words... so beautiful.

Then, what better way to top off the night than our first round of tennis for the year!  

After about an hour of tennis, we then hit the track here at LSHS (Go Tigers!), where the intention was to just walk.  We ended up running/sprinting the straights and walking the curves... it was beautiful.

**Disclaimer:  I'm glad I'm writing this tonight b/c I know in the morning that last statement would read a little differently**

Well to sum it all up... TODAY WAS A GREAT DAY!

1 comment:

  1. We ended up running the straights and walking the curves now makes me laugh. :)
