Hi, My name is Raylene - some of my friends call me Ray or Rayray or Raynbow (don't ask b/c I don't know). I am a sassy twenty something who got lucky enough to marry my best friend, Scott.
We are sponsors for our youth group at church and LOVE serving the students in this way. Christ is our center and we aim to glorify Him in all that we do.... we don't do it perfectly - but we are honest about our journey. Launch, our young adult ministry, is a huge part of our life and center of our community.
I hope this blog is fun, informative, thought provoking, builds a community, and encourages us to be genuine with one another in the love of Christ... let's live life together!
Some randomness about me:
-I heart scarfs
-Fall is my favorite season
-Vanilla Chai Lattes are a sure way to my heart
-November 23 is my Bday... and yes I get a whole week to celebrate
-I have 2 furry kids (Charlie and Molly our two couldn't-be-more-different-than-each-other kitties)
-#SWBClove is a real thing in my core
-I am an organization queen
-I adore getting comments on my blog posts (*wink*)
-I love finding a good deal
-I heart mexican food
-Cards in the mail is my love language
-Color coding is my friend
-I bleed black and gold (MIZ-ZOU!!)
-I love to scrapbook/smashbook
-'Friends' is my favorite show of all time (my hubby hates it- I heart him anyway) :)
Want to know more? Just leave me a comment and ask... I'd LOOOOOVE to share!